The decision to develop this website was made last Christmas and posters were chosen as the site's primary communications means. Our draft posters were reviewed by individuals with a range of gun-control beliefs. While their response was mostly positive, I want to address two criticisms. A few reviewers questioned the use of ridicule while others said that some posters might be viewed as disrespectful. This ASSAULT MUSKETS poster is an example of the latter.

        Let me address these comments in turn. First, we believe that ridicule is more than appropriate based on what we see as the President's lack of candor. You can't claim to support the 2nd Amendment and have a lengthy history of anti-gun actions.

        Further, our family has the upmost respect for the Presidency. What concerns us is this President's pervasive anti-gun stance. His motivation is not a mystery. As a child, his formative years weren't spent in America's pro-gun environment. He had no father at home to teach him the use of (and respect for) firearms. His college life didn't include ROTC and he never served in the military. Most of his friends and associates are extreme anti-gunners. He saw brothers and sisters injured and killed with heartbreaking regularity in Chicago's gang wars. Finally, while the right to bear arms is a pillar of the country's founding, the President could easily dismiss the founders as racist. Before I retired, the Jefferson Memorial was a place to watch the sunrise on the way to work; it was my church. To the President, the Memorial could be seen as honoring a man who kept slaves. Add to these influences the fact that President Obama may be a Progressive Movement true believer. The extreme level of government control required for the movement to flourish requires an unarmed populace - guns and radical social engineering are incompatible. Given this background, it's hard to imagine the President being anything other than anti-gun. His view of firearms is constrained; like looking through the wrong end of a telescope.

        It's unfortunate that the President has an outlook so alien to America's heritage of respect for firearms and the laws designed to protect them. He seems to see gun ownership as some sort of moral flaw and equates millions of responsible citizens with the country's law breakers. The President would deny this but denial can't erase his years of militant hostility to gun-rights. So what can citizens do to counter the administration's demonstrated opposition to firearms ownership? We must never waver in our defense of freedom; it's our most precious possession and once lost it is irretrievable. We must oppose the gun bans and firearms registration laws that are surely coming. Just the presence of an armed populace acts as a deterrent to radical, unconstitutional change.

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