Poster 45

         Gun-control advocates claim that AR-15 and AK-47 pattern rifles are "dangerous and unusual weapons" because they have military-like "bad" features which make them weapons of war. They hold that rifles with such features must be banned or heavily regulated. Arizona Gun Talk's SCOTUS Booklet argues that, 1) the claims about "bad" features are often demonstrably false and, 2) some "bad" features are uniquely suited to family self-defense and should not be regulated and, 3) mandated rifle modifications that eliminate "bad" features can make so-called assault weapons unsafe to operate.


In response to the Biden/Harris promise to ban AR-15 and AK-47 rifles, Arizona Gun Talk created a document called "A Reference Booklet on "Assault Weapon Features." Paper copies were sent to each US Supreme Court Justice (including Justice Barrett) in late October. They cover the control and accuracy enhancing rifle features that lower courts have used to define "assault weapons." The Booklets demonstrate that the rifles should not be regulated as dangerous weapons of war as claimed by gun-control advocates. We hope the Court will use them for reference if an assault weapon case is heard this term.

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